Back notes, sketched as E
Machine-stitched saddle, collar, and cuffs. High, straight-lined collar. Gathered back into saddle.
Side : No notes are required in this particular case, as no points of interest have been placed upon it.
Draw careful enlargements of any special features. In this example, there would be
The particular shape of the cuff. Large pearl button with its marking, and shape of buttonhole.
In some cases elaborate enlargements might be required, such as lace, patterned material, fringes, embroideries, braiding designs, etc.
In making the final sketch at the studio for the finished work the best point of view should be selected. This can be ascertained by looking over the notes front, side, and back view. If the latter prove most interesting it will then be necessary to use it; if both back and front, a reflection of the opposite side in a looking-glass, placed in the picture,
is much appreciated by the seller, who is pleased to have the garment shown to the best advantage.
If two figures are placed close together for economy of space and slightly overlap, no interesting feature of the garment must be hidden by this arrangement.
The introduction into the sketch of an additional interest, such as cushions, golf sticks, scenery, etc., must not monopolize too much extra space or distract interest from the garment.
Technique of Line.
The term " line " work, means " shading by the pen," and is the most general method employed for fashion work reproduction. It can be used as a medium for outlining the object, or to intensify the lights and shades by the variety and quality of its lines.
The following notes should be observed