The Hand
Hand and Wrist Measurements (Plate 12).
The onion shape has been suggested in Fig. 1 to help in the formation of the hand. The slender, plump, tall or short can be used, but in all cases must conform with the principles of their construction.
It must be noted that their root end is broader than the top, which can taper to any fineness required. When representing action, one side of the onion must be concave and the other convex.
It can be used in any position, conforming with the requirements of the artist vertical, horizontal, oblique, root end up or reverse.
Length of hand and wrist together is equal to length of face, chin to eyebrow (see Plate 20).
Another measurement is shown in Fig. 4, the hand being about twice its length from deltoid insertion on outline of side view. The wrist is the narrowest part of the hand, and must be kept slender. In breadth measurement it is about a quarter the length of hand and wrist together, but much will depend on the turn of the arm, since it is wider on front and back than on sides.
The body of the hand, including the wrist, is about the same length as the longest finger ; in breadth it is half the width of the whole hand. It has restricted movements, " flexion" (forward) at about 900, and " extension" (backward) at about 45° ; in other words, it has half the movement back compared with the front (see Fig. 5).
The radiation of the knuckles has been illustrated in Fig. 5, and this must be remembered in all positions of the hand (see Figs. 11 and 17, Plate 13).
Fig. 2 is a blocking arrangement of lines composed of three onion shapes entwined, and Fig. 3 shows how a hand can evolve from these forms, being gloved for better reference to the main features.
To find the base of the thumb outline on Fig. 3, draw a line through knuckles of hand, below openings of fingers. The length from base of nail to this line is the length to base of thumb.