Front Muscles and Skeleton
Front view of full figure (Plate i).
This plate is provided for the purpose of giving a general impression of the female figure, and to serve as a key to the following notes on this section of the subject.
It is by the study of the bony structure comprising the skeleton that the student is enabled to appreciate proportions of its various members and the limitation of movement at the joints, and thus to depict the figure either in natural action or repose.
The knowledge of true construction gives a foundation upon which to build and assures a standard of correctness. The importance of this will be fully realized when it is understood to what extent the frame and its muscular covering give shape to the surface of the flesh and affect the draping of garments.
Figure: Back muscles (Plate 2).
The anatomical figure represented on this plate gives a diagrammatic view of the principal muscles of the back. Each component part will be dealt with in the following
pages, with full explanations of their value as applied to Fashion Drawing.
This plate is intended to show the various units pieced together, and their relative shapes and positions, and also to impress upon the student the importance of their direct influence upon the flesh surfaces.
Figure Measurement Chart (Plate 3).
The proportions mentioned below should be used in blocking out the arrangement of the sketch, and this will be facilitated if due attention is paid to the text explaining Plates 4 to 7.
Front Proportions.