The greatest width of the figure is across the chest when the arms are included.
Note positions of E, F, G, D, H, referring to Plate 3 for measurements.
This plate is intended to show the blocking of the rigid figure at A, and also to indicate the first step in giving movement as expressed in the figure at B.
Figure: Pose and Balance (Plate 5).
The first line to be drawn must indicate swing of position, using the middle line of the body. The outside, or blocking lines, will give the width.
If a full front view is to be expressed, the blocking lines should be of equal distance from the middle line of the body.
If not full front, the side of the figure farthest away will be seen in perspective, and the space on that side of the
middle line of the body will be narrower than on the near side. See spacings A and B.
The inner ankle of one foot must always fall under the pit of the neck to give correct balance when in resting position or violent action, unless the legs are stretched equally wide apart from the middle of the body. See D for ankle position.
Figure : Line and Perspective (Plate 6).
When general pose of figure has been indicated (Fig. i), limbs can be added in onion shapes (see Plate 10). Use root end for broadest position or joints of trunk and limbs, narrowest end fitting to correct measurement of figure (see Fig. i).
E marks iliac crest.