Fashion Design Drawing - Figure Drawing The Head Face 8.jpg


In considering the distribution of the masses of the head, the thought of the
masses must come first; that of planes, second. Planes are the front, top and
sides of the masses.

It is the placing and locking of these planes or forms that gives solidity
and structural symmetry to the face, and it is their relative proportion as
well as the degree to which each tilts forward or backward, protrudes or
recedes, that makes the more obvious differences in faces.

Fashion Design Drawing - Figure Drawing The Head Face 9.jpg

Heads in general should be neither too round nor too square. All heads,
round or oval or square, would be without contrast in form.

In drawing, one must look for or suspect that there is more than is casually
seen. The difference in drawing is in what you sense, not what you see.
There is other than that which lies on the surface.

Fashion Design Drawing - Figure Drawing The Head Face 10.jpg

The front of a face is the front
plane. The ear side is another plane.
Spectacles are hinged to conform to
the front and sides of a face.

The square or triangular forehead
must have a front and two sides, mak-
ing three planes.

The face turns at a line from each
cheek bone downward to the outer side
of the chin. There is also a triangular
plane on each side of the nose; its base
from tip to wings forms another tri-
angular plane. There is also the square
or rounded chin with planes running
back from each side.

Border lines separate the front and
sides of the forehead above, and cheek
bones and chin below. Across from
ear to cheek bone is a ridge separating
two more planes which slope upward
toward the forehead and downward to
the chin.

Considering the masses of the head,
the thought of the masses comes first,
then the planes; after that the rounded
parts of the head. There are four
rounded forms on the skull. One on
the forehead, two on the sides of the
head, just above each ear, and one on
the front of the face, extending from
nose to chin. On each side, at the
upper part of the forehead, are two
rounded elevations termed the frontal
eminences. These eminences often
merge into one and are referred to as
the frontal eminence.

Fashion Drawing Sections

Part-1 Part-2 Part-3 Part-4 Part-5 Part-6 Part-7 Part-8 Part-9 Part-10 Part-11