Light and Shade
SHade with the idea that light and shade are to aid the outline you have
drawn in giving the impression of solidity, breadth and depth. Keep before
you the conception of a solid body of four sides composed of a few great
masses, and avoid all elaborate and unnecessary tones which take away
from the thought that the masses or planes on the sides must appear to be on
the sides while those on the front must appear to be on the front of the body.
No two tones of equal size or intensity should appear directly above one
another or side by side; their arrangement should be shifting and alternate.
There should be a decided difference be-
tween the tones. The number of tones
should be as few as possible. Avoid all
elaborate or unnecessary tones and do not
make four tones or values where only three
are needed. It is important to keep in mind
the big, simple masses and to keep your
shading simple, for shading does not make
a drawing.