advertiser and, in the case of a store, its location, may be realized when the student stops to consider that only through it can the advertiser realize on his investment. The method of emphasizing the name of the advertiser on the reader varies greatly with the product. Sometimes the use of the trademark in the design or illustration will serve as sufficient identity for some products. Other products require repetition of name. Advertisements with little text need greater emphasis on identity, while those with indirect appeal carry the reader's interest along to the point where the name can be impressed simply and unostentatiously. Sometimes a motto is used in connection with the signature.

The student should weigh each important point of a layout carefully and strive to arrive at a design that will convey a clear impression of the identity of a product or firm without sacrificing anything of the story or idea.

Although many layout artists are required only to make up rough designs which they turn over to art directors to develop into finished art work, the student should fit himself for any and all departments of the profession of art director. Study and practice of all phases of layout work, as well as art work, will prove of invaluable aid.

The student may find it difficult to put himself in the place of the working layout man who has a definite problem to solve and definite units to work with; but he can approach a realistic situation by selecting certain advertisements in magazines or newspapers for study. Take only the copy and necessary units, such as trademarks, merchandise, etc., and re-design the advertisement. Forget what has been done. Visualize the tastes and interests and background of the prospective buyer; study the product and the message in the text; then prepare a design to express your idea of attracting attention and selling.

For such practice work, as well as in the course of lay-out preparation, thin tissue-paper pads, about 12x15 inches, are great conveniences. The first rough draft of a design can he slipped under the paper and developed until a satisfactory result is obtained. Also, photographs, prints, trade-marks, type matter, etc. can be rearranged and traced. The use of color crayons on these pads enables the artist to suggest the color scheme of the finished advertisement. These tissue layouts can be mounted on white cardboard for presentation.

For finished work only (because it cannot be erased) a useful pencil is the Blaisdell China Marking 163-T, whose rich line makes it unequaled for strong effects and solid blocks.

Examples of fashion lay-outs found on following pages.

Fashion Design Drawing - Layouts 1.jpg


Fashion Design Drawing - Layouts 14.jpg

Fashion Drawing Sections

Part-1 Part-2 Part-3 Part-4